5 things to do to your new laptop

February 6th, 2018

Getting a new laptop can be very exciting. It guarantees a more seamless user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it’s all for naught if you don’t take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Discover five things you should do before you start exploring your new toy.

Cybersecurity Essentials: VPN

December 6th, 2017

Whether it’s because of government surveillance or cyberattacks, internet users are more concerned than ever about the privacy of their online activities. Unfortunately, security measures like firewalls and antivirus software can’t help you in this case, but there’s one that can: Virtual Private Network (VPN).
What is VPN?
Simply put, a VPN is a group of servers you connect to via the internet.

KRACK hacks: What you need to know

November 2nd, 2017

You’ve heard of ransomware, denial-of-service attacks, and even phishing, but one hacking technique you may not have heard of is the KRACK exploit. This attack takes advantage of a vulnerability in WiFi networks, which puts any device with a wireless connection at risk.