Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

January 23rd, 2017

When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you might think of endless copies of clouds flying out of the printer. But that analogy wouldn’t quite apply for Google’s Cloud Print service, though. This cloud-computing hybrid allows you to access both regular and internet-enabled printers through the Internet.

Opera 41 for high browsing speed

November 4th, 2016

The internet’s impact on people's lives keeps growing by the day. People use the web for different reasons and access it any time, and the availability of smart gadgets makes it possible for the people to enjoy the internet from any location. However, the resourcefulness of the internet can be hindered by having a slow web browser.

Capabilities of Google WiFi

October 21st, 2016

In today's world, WiFi has become a necessity both at work and at home. People across the world use it to learn, work online, communicate through social media, stream videos, and more. But we all know that the internet can sometimes be uncooperative.

How web monitoring increases productivity

October 19th, 2016

The internet is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools for improving business productivity. But it’s also a magnet for procrastination. With unfettered access to the internet, it’s easy to stray away from your important work responsibilities.

Twitter’s new dashboard app for SMBs

August 29th, 2016

Fishes are known to travel together in schools. They do so as a defense mechanism against predators or as a means to find a mate. Rarely do we see a fish making its way through the ocean unaccompanied. Schools of fish are the Twitter equivalent of celebrities or public figures, whereby lone guppies are SMBs struggling to make a splash in terms of their online presence.

Build an Online Community for your Business

June 14th, 2016

The word ‘Community’ is derived from the Latin term communitas meaning ‘things shared by many or all’, which hints at our innate desire to connect with others. With the Internet being such a powerful medium, connecting people regardless of their locations has never been easier.

Should you buy a Chromebook?

June 3rd, 2016

By now, you’ve likely heard of the Google Chromebook: the sleek, sexy laptop that works primarily through an internet connection. If you’re on the verge of buying a new laptop, you may have considered one. But you may also have doubts whether or not it’ll be able to accomplish the tasks you need to complete.

Infuse life into your old laptop

March 17th, 2016

It can be tough to see your laptop die. While you likely shared many good moments with it, undoubtedly, there will come a time when it’s ready to be retired to the back of the closet or disposed of. If you are lucky enough to still have yours hanging around the house or office, then there’s no better time to dust it off.