The rising popularity of telemedicine

July 24th, 2019

Telemedicine — the practice of administering medical care remotely — is increasing in popularity because of its practicality. Most healthcare businesses have been implementing it for decades. Because of advancements in the healthcare industry, the variety of devices used, communication speed, and overall service quality, telemedicine has vastly improved recently.

Here’s what to look for in apps or wearable tech

June 26th, 2019

Are you overwhelmed by the many choices you have in getting the right technology to monitor your health? Do you download an app on your mobile to track your pulse rate? Or buy a wearable device that can tell you more about your health? While it’s best to leave the professional recommendations to your healthcare provider, it would be great if you’re also in the know, so you have a better idea of what suits you.

Big data helps hospitals in a big way

June 4th, 2019

The healthcare industry struggles when it comes to trying to keep up with the latest technology on the market. Thankfully, the rise of more affordable cloud solutions and increased storage availability mean hospitals and clinics can finally catch up and implement direct improvements to hospital performance, such as lowering hospital readmission rates.

EHRs vs paper records: Which is better?

February 4th, 2019

Is digital the way to go for the healthcare industry? Experts see no other way forward, as demonstrated by the popularity of electronic health records (EHRs). However, critics of this new recording process have pointed out major flaws that aren’t present in its traditional counterpart: paper-based recording.

How to safeguard PHI

January 7th, 2019

Hospital data breaches are emerging at an alarming rate and show no signs of slowing down in 2019. That’s because data fetches a hefty price on the black market, making hospitals prime targets for cybercriminals. The best way to defend against these threats is to arm your team with the following systems and protocols.

Is the IoT a boon or a bane in healthcare?

December 3rd, 2018

The rule of cybersecurity states that anything that connects to the internet can be hacked. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry, every business should be on alert.

Devices that contain a treasure trove of patient data are attractive targets for cybercriminals.

4 facts about HIPAA and your IT

October 1st, 2018

HIPAA’s rules pertaining to IT are problematic to say the least, but things have become much clearer over the course of the past year. However, there are still a few areas in which your office might not be compliant. This isn’t necessarily through negligence on your part, but rather a lack of understanding as to the requirements.

3 ways AI is revolutionizing healthcare

September 3rd, 2018

Technological advancements have brought us much closer to artificial intelligence (AI), such as cars that drive themselves and robots that interpret and summarize the news. AI is helping humankind in various industries, and healthcare is close to the top of that list.

Cybersecurity protocols to protect PHI

August 24th, 2018

Healthcare organizations have always kept the possibility of data breaches in mind, especially since 2017 witnessed the biggest and most expensive data breach to date. To counter this, more businesses have hired certified technicians, but that’s not enough.

How to defend against insider threats

June 5th, 2018

First off, what is an insider threat in healthcare? An insider threat is an individual inside an organization discovered to have been accessing healthcare records without authorization. Healthcare companies must take steps to reduce the potential for insider threats, which is their top source of security incidents.