
Remote working: Will it be the new norm?

April 15th, 2020

Flexible work setups have often been the subject of debate — employees want the option to work away from the office at least some of the time, but many businesses value well-founded methods and processes. Will the world’s largest work from home experiment change that?
Enforced flexibility
A pandemic is one of the most socially, economically, and politically disruptive events that could ever happen.

Here’s how to download and install Windows 10

April 13th, 2020

Microsoft has made it possible for anyone to download Windows 10 from its website. This makes it easy for people to install the operating system (OS), provided they have the appropriate license. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can download and install Windows 10 on your business computers.

How to work from home securely

April 10th, 2020

Encouraging staff to work from home is extremely vital in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. By minimizing social interactions and contact risks, you can reduce the spread of the virus. But be warned. Transitioning from a fully managed business environment to a home office can leave you vulnerable to cyberattacks and online scams.

Working from home? Stay fit with these 5 easy exercise moves

April 8th, 2020

More and more people are now forced to stay at home and work remotely to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, those who are used to working out in the gym may find it impossible to continue their regular exercise routine. The good news is, we have compiled a list of five easy exercise moves that don’t require gym equipment.

Our favorite remote working tools

April 6th, 2020

Remote work is on the rise like never before as companies are pressured to sustain operations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. But even before massive business disruptions, remote working has been a growing trend. Many have been enjoying work-from-home setups with the help of the right tools.

Letting your staff work from home? Here’s the gear they’ll need

April 3rd, 2020

At the office, everything employees need to get work done is provided by the company. They have their PCs, standard keyboards, mice, and perhaps headsets if they do lots of calls. However, circumstances like community quarantines during viral outbreaks may force you to have staff work from their homes.

Cloud use surges during COVID-19 pandemic

March 27th, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads to more nations worldwide, millions of businesses turn to the internet as their employees are forced to work from home. Is the World Wide Web ready for the sudden increase in demand for cloud-based services?

Even before the pandemic, many companies were already turning to online productivity and collaboration tools for their business.

COVID-19’s huge impact on businesses

March 25th, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting individuals and businesses worldwide. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the private and public sectors are exerting great efforts to cope with present and future challenges. This includes leveraging technology resources.

Work remotely, effectively with Microsoft Teams

March 23rd, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing employees to work from home, you and your staff can take advantage of Microsoft Teams to stay productive. Microsoft recently enhanced this already powerful tool’s capabilities, making it easier for more people to take advantage of its advanced features.

Why autocomplete passwords are risky

March 20th, 2020

Many people use auto-fill passwords for their convenience. What you might not know is that hackers and advertisers can use them to get access to websites and other applications and gather sensitive information. Learn more about the risks of using autocomplete passwords.